There is no War in C6 Space

So... why are you here?

Well as long as you are... here are some funny looking charts.

u/unfit_ibis has been posting a (somewhat fictionalized, but not much) overview of the war, the significant events, and has been doing a lot of research. Since reddit is ephemeral (as is much of the internet) i've saved the posts here:

The war is over.

The war is over. Synde is obliterated, and its top leadership is barred from jspace for 6 months - The future Synde as a corporation and an alliance is rocky at best. Membership is free to stay in jspace as they see fit. This is the deal that hawks gave them, after letting all others go free. There are lots of opinions on how this will end up affecting the political landscape of j-space. Only time will tell.

Thanks for all you assholes who came along with me on this ride. Check the github repo for the code that created these pages (its shit) and cached copies of all the BRs (so i wouldnt be blowing up every time i ran the script)

This is Luxxianna Seraph of Ursa Primus signing off.


This is just zkill data. And manually gathered zkill data at that. And badly parsed by a "not a data scientist"

It is bound to have lots of mistakes. It is bound to be inaccurate. If you know who the Spreadsheet Guy is then feel free to sling corrections

I'll probably ignore you, cause you're probably drinking kool-aid or pushing your spin. But maybe I'll leave a note

Don't @ me bro.

I'm doing this cause i find it fun to gather info. Its a hobby. If you got a problem with that, well go touch grass

You like it? send isk or random bullshit to "The Spreadsheet Guy" in Eve.